Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Missing George W. Bush??

I was, and still am opposed to nearly every single action the Bush Administration took during his 8 year reign. But, believe it or not I have found a good reason to miss the Bush regime.

It's not because I miss the idea of a so-called fiscal conservative spending out of control on warfare & welfare alike. It wasn't that I suddenly woke up this morning believing the fairy tale that an aggressive US foreign policy is the only way to deter terrorism. I definitely don't lament there not being a hardcore evangelical in the White House with a list of Draconian faith based initiatives he'd like to pass. I am in no way affected by the lack of a white male as leader of the free world. My life is better without having to be represented by perhaps the worst orator in history.


There is one reason I miss GWB. Can you guess why? Because he was an easy enemy to rally against. He had those on the economic right and left equally pissed off. That's one thing many self proclaimed liberals don't understand any more -- That most fiscal conservatives never voted for, or even liked GWB. Tax cuts for the top earners doesn't matter to a fiscal conservative when spending is out of control.

We fought him with you. We fought against the war, and globalization, we fought against expanding medicare together strangely enough, we fought torture and wiretapping. We opposed the Patriot act, and stood up for an individuals right to civil liberties. We are fiscal conservatives.

What happened? Most of you are not holding your current President's "feet to the fire" on any of the issues I just mentioned. Millions of us went against our movement's President, giving aid and comfort to your movements--only to be abandoned at the prospect of a handout, and shiny empty promises...

Your President has not ended any wars. He hasn't stopped the outsourcing of jobs and third world victimization associated with globalization. He has plans to expand government control over your health care, which whether you are for or against will become insolvent as all systems in Europe are now. Torture, renditions and tribunals actually increased under his watchful eye. We are still wiretapping like crazy and now he wants a kill switch for the internet in the Oval Office. Last I checked you could still be detained as an enemy combatant or deemed a domestic terrorist for opposing the policies of your government under the Patriot Act. The only thing he has done is offer you bread and circuses, in exchange for more power and control over your life.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sarah Palin: Not A Pro Liberty Candidate

I am part of a growing number of liberty advocates becoming very nervous about how cozy we are getting with party approved puppets like Sarah Palin. Contrary to talk radio spin, Sarah Palin IS the favorite of the Beltway politicians, even though she is billed as an outsider. It's part of her branding, and nothing more. The beltway Republicans know that their message will not resonate as long as it appears they are still in power.

In comes Sarah Palin, who is so much like G.W. Bush - from her poor grammar and lack of knowledge on current events, to her ridiculous adherence to the banes of personal liberty: social conservatism, and the warfare state. She is *for* the wars. She talks as if she wants to reform Washington, but if she has to kiss the Republican leadership's collective ass in order to get in power, she will end up like Bush -- all talk, no delivery -- just disappointment.

For those of you who thought that Bush the village idiot was a great President, you'll love his plastic Barbie companion piece - Sarah Palin. You will also love the furtherance of Corporatocracy, replete with cronyism. More derivatives trading anyone??

Does your quest for personal and economic liberty include forcing people to adhere to your religious beliefs? Do you not see the moral conflict in your quest for perfect morality? Can you truly say that you are protecting the Constitution while discriminating against homosexuals (and sometimes even other minorities)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might want to reevaluate your political affiliation -- Because you are not a pro-liberty activist. The Republican leadership is not pro-liberty, in fact, they are more fascist than anything else.

I would rather see the progressives win than see her embarrass the liberty movement. Ron Paul would not approve. Shame...